People are usually quite surprised when I tell them I’m a writer, and especially when I tell them I’m a published author. This often leads to a fair number of questions, and some come up almost every time. Here are the 5 of the top questions people usually ask me, and other writers:
1. How many books have you written and which was the hardest?
I have written four books, though my first one was only about 55,000 words, so I think technically it’s considered a novella by some definitions, or at least a short novel by others. The hardest to write was Irrefutable Annihilation, likely because it was my first crack at long-form content writing, and because I was only 15 when I wrote it. Writing definitely gets easier the older I get and the more I do it.
2. What inspired your latest book?
The Sixth Book’s concept was actually based on a dream. The dream showed a man discovering a series of books that predicted the future, and it drove him mad. I definitely added to that concept to create the book that is published today, and I also cut some aspects from the dream, such as the random appearance of dragons. Dreams are weird.
3. How do you even begin to write a book?
This question is really difficult to answer, but my seemingly-obvious answer is to start with an idea. You need a book concept that you absolutely love. Something you’re willing to write 80,000 words about. Check out this blog to help you think of book ideas. Once you have an idea, plan it out. Get to know your characters, understand your plot, figure out where the book is going. Then, sit down and draft it, no matter how long it takes. And lastly, edit, edit, edit!
4. What’s your advice for new writers?
Never. Give. Up. I can’t stress this enough. No matter who tells you you’re not good enough, or how many times you hear that you can’t do it. You are and you can. Tell yourself that and prove everyone wrong. Don’t let rejection letters scare you, either. Dr. Seuss was rejected by 27 publishers before his manuscript got picked up. If he had given up, we would never have found out that Sam doesn’t like green eggs and ham. Then where would the world be?!?!
5. What’s next for you as a writer?
As I finish my last two semesters at the University of Waterloo, I am trying to come up with an idea and plan my next novel. I’d like to write it from May through August 2022 and be ready to send it to publishers by December 2022. Of course, throughout this whole time I’ll continue to promote my existing three books available for sale and constantly seek opportunities to inspire other young writers.
Is there anything else that you’d like to know about me, my books, or my experience? Send me a message and I’m happy to discuss!