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Writer's pictureJess Blenkarn

15 Story Starter Sentences to Inspire Your Next Book

The opening of any great story should capture the audience right away. This means different things for different genres, but in most cases, it should leave the reader wanting to know more, whether they want to know more about your main character, your setting, or your plot.

Often writers struggle to find an engaging opening line to capture their audience. Here’s five story openers to help inspire you in three different genres.


  1. Every morning, Jamie awoke on a park bench unsure of how he got there. He assumed he was sleep walking, but he turned out to be very, very wrong.

  2. When I arrived at work Tuesday morning, something seemed out of place. I opened my top desk drawer to find a note reading “Whatever you do, do not go home tonight.”

  3. The blood painted the ceiling. It painted the walls. The only thing it didn’t paint was the door to the basement.

  4. I slowly opened my eyes to find a bright light shining down at me. I tried to get up but my hands and feet were bound to a cold, metal bed. Finally, I saw his face. He wore an eye patch and tightly held a very large knife.

  5. I awoke to a cold breeze fighting its way through my sheets. That’s when I saw the window open and the curtains blowing in the wind. And then I heard the creek from the kitchen down the hallway. Someone had broken in. And they were still in the house.

Science Fiction:

  1. I didn’t believe her when she told me her time machine worked, but when I saw my grandmother smiling down upon her new born baby, my mother, I knew Lily had created something special.

  2. He was dying. I couldn’t let him die. I loved him too much. I still remember the day the engineers first turned him on. I remember the day my husband became a robot.

  3. I thought I was the only one in the world who could stop time, until one day, when I stopped time, and I saw him moving as well.

  4. For some reason, every time I write a new short story, my characters come to life. Last week, I wrote about a young girl named Elle who wouldn’t stop chewing bubble gum, and guess who showed up at my door the next day?

  5. I remember the day I first saw the home movie. I remember wondering why it was dated in the future, and why it showed my wife drowning our two little girls.


  1. I remember when he first looked at me. His deep blue eyes met mine in the middle of English class and he let the tiniest, cutest smile escape his lips.

  2. I never thought I could fall in love. I know that’s cliché, but it’s true. I always thought I was incapable of it. Until I met Danny.

  3. Sarah and I were more in love than I thought possible. That is, until her car accident when she completely forgot who I am.

  4. I’ve always had a deep desire to open Christmas presents before Christmas morning. I’ve done it since I was a child, but Sam would kill me if he knew I saw the engagement ring wrapped up in my favourite blue paper.

  5. I never meant for it to get this far. I never meant for her to fall in love with me. We agreed right from the beginning that we were only going to be together to win the content.

Hopefully some of these prompts inspire you! If you’re looking for more prompts, feel free to reach out to me and I’ll help you outline the beginning of your novel!

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