Writer’s block is a pain in the ass. It can last months, or even years sometimes, and cause us to doubt our passion and abilities. It is defined as “the condition of being unable to think of what to write or how to proceed with writing”. But it sure feels like more than that.
Don’t worry, though! It happens to everyone. I’ve had writer’s block more times than I can count, but I always find a way to make it though, even the worst cases, and I’d like to share my top 3 methods with you today:
1. Change Scenery
Sitting at the same desk every time you write provides little opportunity for motivation or a spark of ideas. Try switching it up – write at a park, in a café, or in the bathroom! If you have to write at your usual spot, try taking a short walk to gain inspiration from what you see outside. Leave your phone at home and really try to take everything in.
That’s another thing. Ditch the distractions. Leave your phone at home. Get out of internet. Get out of bed, or some other comfortable location. You’ll thank me later, for more than just this reason.
2. Write Through It
This may seem like a useless tip, but trust me, it works. Just write something. Even if it’s horrible and you know you’ll end up erasing everything. Even if it’s completely off topic. Even if it’s devoid of all your regular characters.
Try writing about your day, too. This may inspire you to create a new character or new plotline to explore. It can’t hurt to try.
3. Work on Something Else
If you’re stuck on a particular spot, jump ahead and write the next chapter. If you really have no idea which words to write next, take some time to plan out the next few chapters or learn more about your characters. Planning your book from start to finish will help keep you on track.
And if none of this works, try doing something else, like cleaning your house or painting your nails. Don’t give yourself even a moment to be negative. Remind yourself that it’s okay to take breaks, no matter how long. Every word you write is an accomplishment in itself.
For more tips to overcome even the toughest cases of writer’s block, contact me!